Muzduz - More Beer Coaster Maths ( This time on Covid-19 )

Murry W Rhodes © 2023

Muzduz - More Beer Coaster Maths

It’s easy to get confused with so many facts, figures, averages, deviations and graphs delivered by all sorts of folks with all sorts of agendas. I just like the maths so I did me some simplificated Beer coaster maths on climate change earlier and I thought I’d do some on Covid-19. It’s simpler that usual.

The maths is as simple as you’ll get anywhere and I make no conclusions.  Conclusions are often seeded with personal bias and dogma from influences beyond the maths.  The figures come from authorised sources as you will see and links are available below.  It’s beer coaster maths so please forgive my rounding.

The modus of the Virus.  As of 24 May 2023 

To date 770 Million cases 7 Million Deaths 

Low mortality rating of around 0.009 if contracted.  

Probability of contraction. 

770 000,000 cases out of a global population of around 8 000,000,000 people. 

cases/pop < 0.01 =   < 1% chance of being infected.

So actual chance of death from virus = 0.009 x 0.01 = 0.00009

At this rate, approximately 90 people per million contract the virus and die. 

Promoted as highly transmissible and highly probable to contract with low mortality.

Figures were extracted from the WHO image below.

If you do find any gross errors, I’m only human and they do happen especially when doing beer coaster maths. We all make them. The thing is though, if the errors are corrected, does the correction error alter the outcome of the story?

I dare say some of you will be wondering how these 90 people per million stack up against the very rare and insignificant detrimental effects of the vaccine.  Below are screenshots of the official Govt. sites with links below.

Let’s quickly compare the very rare effects of the vaccine with the highly contagious and deadly coronavirus.  So the biological virus of the pandemic kills 90 people per million.  

In the TGA report the very rare occurrences in our young people occur only 2.1 times in a 1000 doses. 1000 x 1000 = a million so 2.1 x 1000 and so only 2100 times per million.   

The CDC shows these rare occurrences in 16-17 year olds is only 105.9 cases per million.  Perhaps their mRNA vaccine was different than the stuff used in the TGA report.  

Let’s assume the actual figure is somewhere in between (2100 + 105.9) / 2 = about 1100

So 90 people per million is a highly deadly virus but 1100 people per million is a safe and effective medicine that saved millions of lives perhaps billions from the virus. 

There has been a total of 770M cases of Covid out of 8 Billion people.

There has been Over 50% of the global population vaccinated or 4 Billion out of 8 Billion.

So more than 5x people are vaccinated than have caught the virus.

770M cases include multiple infections even by those with the vaccination.

This is unauthorised beer coaster maths done with some authorised figures. The conclusions here are yours.

It is your right to understand the terms rare, safe and effective in any way you wish but call me old fashioned as the old definition of rare, safe and effective seems to be the polar opposite these days. Perhaps it’s a WOKE thing where being male or female is up to the beliefs of individuals. Such as it is I conclude nothing but that the maths tells a story somewhat different than the literal narrative being used to describe it.  

Rare indeed.

Take Care


 If this helped you understand the numbers of this crazy world a little better then please Don’t forget to pop into the online store and buy a few cool items. I volunteer to help heal biodiversity and sell t-shirts and designs to help me afford to volunteer my help so your purchases really help.

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