A Solution?

A Solution?

Murry W Rhodes © 20230504

G’day all, I’ve just started engaging with Twitter as a social media place since Musky bought it. I might as well show a few more folks what I’ve been playing around with so if you’re a regular reader of my writings then the scribble below won’t be much of a surprise but if you’re new here then I hope you enjoy it and if you want to engage and learn more then fill in the contact form below.

The global energy crisis.  Is it solvable?  Yes.  Do we really want it solved?

Well, the solution also needs to provide jobs and sustainable incomes so although it might solve the energy consumption problem the solution also needs to solve the macro and microeconomics of the world.  Some clean and green marketable energy attributes would be a bonus too and since the N-word of energy is taboo and for a few good reasons then the solution can’t involve the potential for any nuclear disasters, toxic spills or other global nasty doo doos for our children to have to cope with if they survive. 

First things first. We must continue to extract fossil fuels as best we can and for as long as possible but we can’t just keep chucking it into furnaces to boil a billy or cars and burning it forever. We need to store, manage and ration it.  This keeps folks working and the money mill toiling so jobs and investments can transition properly with minimal disruption or loss to folks and economies. Plus there’s another reason to stockpile it but we’ll leave that for now.

In the meantime, the manufacture and installation of these energy installations would need a globally collaborative effort.  Yeah, I know. Mission impossible but if energy is truly wanted for the planet then this will be the most efficient, least environmentally negative impact, most productive and sustainable method ever imagined and if managed correctly may provide grid-level energy without being susceptible to poor winds or clouds. 

It’s not completely green and not without some risks and other solvable problems but then nothing we do is ever without some impact however its output-to-cost ratio for its lifetime is far more efficient and reliable than fans or solar cells ever can be.

It won’t need a global effort to get started but as it develops it will need international political and boundary collaborations perhaps to the likes that we’ve never seen. The ISS tin can is perhaps the only true collaborative effort this planet has succeeded in. This project will need more of that and less of the argy-bargy of political correctness across geographical and cultural boundaries.

From previous experience and further research, I’m a little suspicious of the patent process and the protection that it doesn’t cover globally especially since it is a global solution that will be exploited globally.  So there is no patent application made for it as of yet but to be honest, the science of it and the application of it is the key value and since science cannot be patented there may not be much value in a patent of it unless someone wants to get fancy with designs or any larger scale problem solving that may need to occur and may be patentable.  So for potential investors, the greater value of the product may not be in a patent but simply having the first foot in the door for R&D and production lines and then perhaps also a return on investment through ownership of the energy distribution network. 

It’s the only global solution for an energy-hungry global population like ours. Anything else is just a bandaid. Wind farms are worse than they seem and solar tech is still in development for efficiency so enquire, engage and invest to learn more. How does one proceed? As an Australian, if the stars aligned, an export like this would likely lift Australia to a new level of competency in addressing global issues and problem-solving technology.

