Gravity Insanity

The insanity and inhumanity of gravity. How the discovery of gravity waves did some questionable stuff.

The gravity wave conCern. By Murry W.Rhodes © 20220408

As the 2020 Global Covid-19 shutdown unfolded, I was isolated in my bus in the outback just watching reports of the calamity and feeling a bit guilty to have been so lucky to be living such an isolated life away from the world. So with the world shut down, all most of us could do was watch and pray for those less fortunate than ourselves. It also gave me the time to catch up on several decades of news. Most of us, are just too busy trying to survive and the pleasurable things in life tend to get overlooked. Things that sit in the cupboard collecting dust. For me, my pleasure in life is science and technology and the development of us as a species in this vast universe of stuff.

So back in my Undergraduate days of around 2002-2005, I was doing a physics degree which included astronomy, geology and archaeology and all the chemistry and physics and maths that goes with those wonderfully interesting subjects. The head astronomy lecturer at UWA was Dr David Blair. A nice fella who as part of the course took the class out to a place called Gin Gin. North of the City of Perth ( Western Australia).

He showed us his science project which was a gravity wave detector and it was really quite an impressive project with long lasers and the science and theory of how and what it was intended to detect. So while chatting with him the two biggest problems the project faced was a technical one and a political one.

The technical one was about how the instrument being so sensitive that it would detect the gravity of a truck driving along the highway about 20 Kilometers away. I imagined with sensitivity to this degree that it would also be able to detect internal earth movements of the Earth’s core and mantle and the tectonic plates plus the moon’s movement and of course the Sun and planets. Determining which signals were associated with what specific gravity anomaly being the tricky bit.

The political problem was simply the same as what most university lecturers have to go through to maintain funding for their respective pet projects. He mentioned this problem on several occasions. Funding for projects is a crazy academic sport that uses networks of friends and favours on top of many hard worked hours of creating an argument as to how and why the funding will benefit the community. It’s typical political stuff too where votes matter, I s’ get dotted and t s’ get crossed hands get shaken and political promises are made for whatever worth they might be.

In 2015 I was working in Kununurra when I heard the news that a gravity wave had been detected. I was so happy for my old lecturer because I knew above all else that he really wanted to prove Einstein’s theory of gravity waves existing as being true and correct.

There are factions in the broader science community who worship Einstein’s genius brand equity similarly as a church might worship god and there are those who only see his work as nice philosophical physics. In case you didn’t know, Physics is about trying to put words to theories about how the natural world works. The maths side of it is a different animal. Maths is just a tool that has proven to be really great at analysing the things we can see and predicting things that are yet to occur but maths does have its limitations when observations can’t be made of what the maths is trying to predict. It’s one of today’s specialised dilemas of science.

For example, maths can create the state-of-function formulas for when matter changes phase from liquid to solid to gas and plasma etc.. But it simply couldn’t accurately predict where those phases were going to be before they were observed and so they needed observations of the thresholds of where these phase changes occurred before the maths could do its magic and give us a formula for making the prediction. Which now is no longer a prediction but just a state-of-phase function given certain energy and particle conditions and criteria as the variables.

We see similar complications arise on things like mathematically determining the quantum functions of light that transfers from one media to another. Refraction and reflection on the atomic/quantum scale of what the light is doing. Here’s where we get into complications that arise with things like Dark Matter and Dark Energy as well as the insurmountable variables in the universe that affect things like gravity and relativity and the theories thereof. For refraction, there are two factions arguing over fractions of functions and both are equally correct mathematically but differ in philosophy. Causality and effect. The theory of flight is the same old potato or tomato argument of preference.

Theories explore the chaos that has occurred while forming our physical universe into its current state with a plethora of different disciplines that search out those pathways back to the beginning of all time. It is why I enjoy exploring basic classical physics more than getting bogged down in specialising in any one of the many strings of chaos back through a complex web of indices and inefficient coefficients.

As we turn back time, all those things that make up the chaos start to disappear. One cannot have all the science of electromagnetism without first having an electron and proton relationship to generate the fields of resistance that we see in complex atoms and molecules. This is the fundamental pathway to nearly all other dynamic disciplines of our universe of physical chaos contained within a corrupted region of unrelenting gravity from dark energy. Newton’s famous kinetic transfers of energy via collisions can’t occur if the particles with mass properties don’t also have the resistive properties of the proton-electron dipole resistances. In other words, if two masses collide as a solid, liquid or gas then how do the momentum vectors transfer the energy?

The answer is that they can’t, at least not in the traditional sense but of course, some energy may be transferred via the property of mass (gravitation) but then this is a very fluid transfer which doesn’t quite meet the same time scale of the basic Newtonian laws. When exchanging energy in a collision. They do, but they don’t because there was no electromagnetic resistances such as found in crystal solid structures or even liquids and gases with varied dynamics.

For example. mv-><-mv at t1 in a collision where there is no electron-proton resistance. Means <-mv mv-> at t2 without a kinetic transfer. Let’s say TWO free neutrons pass through each other while waiting to decay. There are No electron nor proton fields to resist. If there is no resistance electrostatically or electromagnetically (although perhaps there is some kind of neutral subatomic resistance of bond fields but for less complexity) we might consider the collision to be a pass through of two fields bound as neutral particles without resistance polarities that simply pass through each other. Like waves just transferring through each other without any resistance despite constructional or cancelling properties.

In this example gravity then becomes the only actuator of informational transfer of energy for the I Ep-Ek I. Over time t as determined by velocity vectors relative to the inverse square of the distance at any time t. So Newton’s wonderful maths can bring this back to acceleration vectors for the kinetic potential conversion. Sorry about the wordiness.

You can read more in my notes on these things in previous articles. If you know my writings then you’ll know I don’t ascribe to conclusions, but only follow sequences of stuff that have already been proven such as Free neutron decay being the only observed creation of the (electron/proton) relationship. Leaving the popular broadly accepted theory that neutrons are made in old galaxy cores (Neutron Stars) by squashing an electron and proton together via gravity is a chicken or egg scenario of What came first? Needing an Iron core to have enough gravity to squash electrons and protons to make neutrons first needs neutrons to make the Iron atoms. Simple cyclic conundrums of conventions like that.

In addition to the chicken or egg conundrum, the neutron star theory breaches the law of conservation of mass and energy in a big obvious way quite simply because the mass of an electron plus a proton mass does not equal the mass of a neutron. Sure one might consider that the particle's equal opposite charges cancel to neutrality but unless you can find the missing mass of 10x electron masses and reverse the Beta decay process then squashing electrons and protons together and calling them neutrons is just wishful thinking. Perhaps even lazy.

Anyway, enough of that stuff. Let’s get on with gravity waves and detecting them or perhaps maybe, not detecting them despite the 2015 announcements. By the evidence presented publically and as an enthusiast of cosmological things and with a few undergrad tools of analysis I’m not yet fully convinced that the gravity wave of the announcements is quite as what the articles describe. At least not without some bias toward supporting the funding programs or indeed feeding the worshippers of Einstein a little miracle of science.

To be honest, I’ve started reading a few of AL’s papers on various things and I could be wrong but I get the feeling that the purity of science was more important to him than the fame or righteousness of being right or being seen to be right all the time. The systemic academic worshipping of such idols can lead to a subconscious bias. Something that gets in the way of the purity of science just as much as funding and institutional network biases can and do. So after looking at the evidence matrices of Albert’s theories, there remain some pretty big questions that unless you move into the full religious posture of believing with faith and ignoring the questions then the theories are not nearly as resolved as his worshippers would have you believe. We are a fickle pickle people critter and this religious worshipping of idols is one of the greater exploitable mysteries of what it is to be human or separate from the monkeys or primordial slime.

So below is what I wrote during the Covid-19 lockdowns. It includes some classical maths being used to ask a few simple questions about the sensitivity and applicability of the gravity wave announcement. Admittedly I’ve not used relativistic calculations here just the simple classical Newtonian laws and if you wish you may argue this as an erroneous analysis for accuracy, you might be right but the point here is not the accuracy of finite numbers but quite simply the scales of 10^x which gravitational waves and the inverse square of distance laws applied to gravity on all scales and as best we know throughout the physical universe. You certainly have the right to ignore the scales as I am no authority on this stuff. Just an average enthusiast.

{{ After years of producing null results, improved detectors became operational in 2015. On 11 February 2016, the LIGO-Virgo collaborations announced the first observation of gravitational waves,[34][35][36][37] from a signal (dubbed GW150914) detected at 09:50:45 GMT on 14 September 2015 of two black holes with masses of 29 and 36 solar masses merging about 1.3 billion light-years away. }}


Let’s do some high school maths on these numbers to get a closer look at the gravity wave source.  Just a brief look at the scale of things using some high school maths.  Nothing scary.

We know from gravity laws that gravity reduces its effect at the square of the distance away from a node.  Let’s clump the two black hole masses together as one mass.  After all at 1.3 Billion light years away they might be considered a sufficiently closed point system gravitationally to us.  Let’s call our sun our node.

So  29 + 36 = 65.  So 65 Solar masses at 1.3 Billion Light years distance.  

1.3 Billion light years at 9 trillion Km per light year or 9x10^12 km/ltyr 

so times that by 1.3 Billion light years or 1.3 x10^9 light years. We get a distance ( D )

D = 9x10^12  x  1.3 x 10^9  = 11.7 x 10^21 Kilometres away from us or 11.7 x 10^24 meters.

Our Sun is Mass 1.9885×10^30 kg ,  Le’s round it off to 2.0 and not get all Einstein or quantum complicated we’ll just stick to the rudimentary tools of Newtonian physics for now.  I think the scale of things translates well enough so any specialist who wants to convert Newton’s laws into their own specialty fields can enjoy the conversion exercise and still observe the scales required to show the relevance or significance of the observation of scale. Worthy of questioning such things about the gravity wave figures.  

F= G (m1xm2/r^2)                                                      Where G = 6.7x10^-11 (Nm^2/Kg) -

(The gravitational constant of gravity force per kilo of mass)

r = D = 11.7 x 10^24 meters                         

m1 = 1 solar mass =  2 × 10^30 kg   ( rounded )

m2 = 65 Solar masses = 65 x (2 x 10^30 kg) = 1.32 x 10^32 Kg     

F= G (m1xm2/r^2)

F= 6.7 x 10^-11 x ( 2x10^30 x 1.32x10^32 / ( (11.7 x 10^24)x (11.7 x 10^24) ) ) )

F = 17.7 x 10^51 / 136.9 x 10^48

F= (17.7/136.9 ) x 10^51 x 10^-48 = 0.13 x 10^-3

F= 1.3 x 10^-4  N   

Gravity force experienced between our Sun and the binary system provides the gravity wave.

Of course, why worry about the force on the sun when in reality we are dealing with the force affecting gravity wave detectors on the planet Earth? So let’s say we want to figure out the force of gravity that the binary system has on say a 1-kilogram mass sitting right next to the gravity wave detector.  

F = F= G (m1xm2/r^2)                     Where G = 6.7x10^-11 (Nm^2/Kg)

r = D = 11.7 x 10^24 meters

m1 = 1 kg

m2 = 1.32 x 10^32 Kg  

F = 6.7x10^-11 x ( 1 x 1.32x10^32 / ((11.7x10^24)^2) ) = 6.7x1.32 x 10^21 / ( 136.9 x 10^48)

F = (8.84/136.9) x10^21 x 10^-48 = 0.06 x 10^-27 

F = 6.0x10^-29 N

I am rusty. It’s been decades since I used this maths stuff so am happy to be corrected.

Alternately one might also consider why we need to look so far into space to see two masses passing each other to create such a wave and how we might replicate the situation down here on the surface of the planet. 

Let’s start with two 1/2 kg bodies moving past each other at 1 metre away from the 1kg near the detector.  

F= 6.7 x 10^-11 x 1 x 1 / 1^2 

F= 6.7 x 10^-11 N

On a scale of 10^-11 N with two 1/2 kg bricks passing a detector at 1m this should give us better results versus 10^-29 N of two black holes passing each other 1.3 Billion light years away. Perhaps 10^18 better results. Hmm does this make sense?  

Gravity waves proved Einstein's theory is correct and would mean more secure funding for the project in the future. This is really nice because up until this discovery, there had been no results for many years and so funding cuts may have seen such projects be scrapped and the financial perks with it. Science projects that use public money can only do so for as long as political relationships remain justifiable to everyone. Politicians included.

In 2012 the Cern particle accelerator discovered the Higgs Boson particle which was deemed a great success.  In 2013 it was shut down for maintenance or repairs and energy upgrades and by April 2015 it was running trial runs with much greater energy than the original.  Although it detected the Higgs Boson particle there were theoretical physicists that were left uncertain of either the experiment or their own investments of time and passion in their own theories waiting on results to prove their theories from the accelerated Quantum scale observations.   

 {{ On 5 April 2015, after two years of maintenance and consolidation, the LHC restarted for a second run. The first ramp to the record-breaking energy of 6.5 TeV was performed on 10 April 2015.[73][74] In 2016, the design collision rate was exceeded for the first time.[75] A second two-year period of shutdown begun at the end of 2018.[76][77]  }}

7 April 2015 - Particle accelerator trial runs.

9 September 2015 - New Cooling System

18 September 2015 - Search for Dark Matter ( Axion Solar Telescope )

Do you recall the 14 September 2015 date of gravity wave detection?  I don’t like guessing but the particle accelerator is all about smashing protons apart to find out how gravity works.  The Higgs Boson particle is said to be the binding energy linked to a property of mass called gravity. So this raises the question about what CERN was doing around  09:50:45 GMT on 14 September 2015. and if anything they were testing or did may have affected the sensitive gravity sensors of the LIGO.   

Effectively Particle accelerators accelerate particles and then smash them, obliterating them into the many different active fields that bind particles and keep them together.  Many of the particles just disappear back into the fabric of space taking with them the properties and energy of whatever mass properties they may have contributed to and so the mass disappears and gravity too and this gets communicated on the fabric of space to the CERN detectors.   

Let’s recall the scale of gravity of the gravity wave masses detected above.  It was 10^-27 (Nm^2/Kg^2).

In quantum Physics when dealing with smashing particles, the particle that comes away from the particle is detected not really as a particle as such but as an electrical field for the potential difference of charge in these particles. Quantum physics and Einstein’s relativistic models don’t yet agree with each other and since Einstein worked on changing Newton’s laws into his own upgraded version then well all three are heavily debated for their appropriate applications. 

Let’s give this scale of Gravity detection some Atomic perspective. 

Mass of an electron is  9.0 x 10^-31 Kg

Mass of a Proton is  1.7 x 10^-27 Kg

So do you wonder if they might have tested the limits of their device for fun? Perhaps sent a proton beyond that magic limit that it’s said no matter can travel faster than the speed of light?  Maybe interfering with the fabric of space in a way that gravity responds to? Who knows? perhaps no one ever will but it’s certainly an interesting gravity wave possibility with Cern or conCern.      Cheers Muz.


Lets round that proton travelling at 0.999999990 c up to 1c. We’re only looking at scales of energy at the moment. Precision here might be overkill. Let’s just say the proton is travelling a circumference of a 26.7 Km circle at the speed of light.

My maths thus far has been extreme averaging based on media reports but the scale of gravity possible from the two black hole masses just coincidentally happens to be a similar scale as the mass of a proton. The same mass as the particles being accelerated at the 26.7 Kilometre circumference of the Cern accelerator.  

{{ When running at the current energy record of 6.5 TeV per proton,[36] once or twice a day, as the protons are accelerated from 450 GeV to 6.5 TeV, the field of the superconducting dipole magnets is increased from 0.54 to 7.7 teslas (T). The protons each have an energy of 6.5 TeV, giving a total collision energy of 13 TeV. At this energy, the protons have a Lorentz factor of about 6,930 and move at about 0.999999990 c, or about 3.1 m/s (11 km/h) slower than the speed of light (c). It takes less than 90 microseconds (μs) for a proton to travel 26.7 km around the main ring.}}

If E=mc^2 then .. Of course, for Ek, I could be pedantic and divide by 2 but we are just looking at the scale.

E= 1.7 x 10^-27 kg x(  3 x 10^8 m/s)^2  = 5.1 x 10^-11 joules. 

The scale of 10^-11 is similar scale as the Two x 1/2 kg brick gravity model above.  Ha funny..  Lets see what else might be going on with this proton.  Or in their own words “protons” in plural form meaning greater mass, than just one proton is involved in this process which only would increase the effects of gravity if any such equipment test run was done around 09:50 GMT 14 Sept. The possibility exists indeed precontract performance tests or pre-commission tests of any equipment is a standard practice and highly likely to occur.. But did it do something during that test that might need to be covered up?.. Don’t know, I wasn’t there but it’s possible so then another floating question might be cause for motive to cover it up and called it a gravity wave from a Binary Star.

Check out the global Budget for the CERN project.. In terms of GDPs of contributing countries.

There is another observation that is trivial, to say the least, but an observation nonetheless. I wanted to see exactly what CERN was posting about during the LIGO detection period. I looked back through their archives and noted straight away how frequent and regular their posting regime had been over the years. Scrolling down there are sometimes 1-3 posts per day from the different divisions in CERN and on occasion, there would be one maybe two days without a post. But no significant gaps.

So what I observed in that scrolling exercise was not the posts that existed but a gap in the regularity of the posting regime. The gap occurred for more days than usual and it was around the 14 September mark for a few days before and after. It was almost as if the PR department was on pause while waiting for something. The suspicious side of me wonders if it wasn’t something that happened during a test that needed some very careful navigation on how to proceed publicly. A new upgrade of any new instalment and its operational limits need to be tested before being commissioned for any official work so this raises the question of if a non-official test resulted in something that CERN needed some time to make the most of the outcome. It’s just funny how the regularity of CERN’s posting seemed to be interrupted in what may or may not be a critical moment.

Some Extra Scribbles.


Mass = m(proton) = 1.7x10^-27 Kg

Velocity =  c          = 3x10^8 m/s

Radius = r             = 26.7 x10^3 m

L= 1.7x10^-27 x 3x10^8 x 26.7x10^3 = 1.4 x 10^-14 ( Kg m^2 /s)

I wonder how many protons they smash in any one event.


Well, I’m not sure how many of you got this far but if you did then well done. I know this science and maths stuff is a head fuddle for most folks and indeed my cerebral rustiness is mathematically obvious but the big picture is that for LIGO to accurately identify a blip in their system at such a tiny fraction of force. When considering all of the physical motions going on on the planet and our solar system and galaxy then they really must have some serious noise-filtering equipment. Was it a gravity wave created by some testing at CERN - they are after all smashing protons apart to discover the mechanisms or properties of gravity. They also may have relations with LIGO that meant supporting them for their funding applications. All manner of questions can be raised.

Even one like, if the signal did not come from a CERN test then what was this signal and why pinpoint it to a specific binary star system? that amidst the billions of stars to choose from there’s likely going to be thousands or millions or perhaps billions of binary stars entering the phase of contact and combining as one massive body. So blaming it on a binary system is cool but for the inverse square of that force over the distance of the one they chose as the culprit.

Don’t get me wrong, mapping gravitational motions would be handy when navigating deep space if we ever get up there but this gravity wave story reeks a little bit like a hallelujah moment for the worshippers of the lord A.E

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Animation and music. I sat at my piano for a couple of hours, played the animation and then came up with the song. It’s rough, and it’s poorly played but it’s simple, safe and effective. :)

Take Care, Travel well and if you liked this then you may really enjoy my previous articles and I’m sure you’ll enjoy my future posts. My notes on stellar nucleosynthesis make for highlighting an interesting observation or two with the respect to the current sequence of elements and the modelling itself coupled with what we do and what we don’t know about fusion both hot and cold.

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Muz :)